Tag: level

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What They Never Told You about Your Health

Seeking is the essence of all organisms; however at a gross state the intensity and the depth vary from simple to complex organisms. A simple organism such as amoeba will seek life to avoid death, seek chemical balance over imbalance while the more complex an organism gets the seeking also goes beyond just for survival.…
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Alterations in brain activation during Meditation

The electro-physiological activity of the brain changes through prolonged practice of Sahaja yoga mediation from typical fast waves during normal consciousness to a state of slow waves, similar but not identical to the sleep state (Matsuoka et al., 1990, Aftanas et al., 2001; link to Aftanas). The slow waves (the so called theta waves) are…
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Treating Tension

Recent medical investigations have shown that emotional stress and anxiety can precipitate chemic heart disease and cause sudden death. Clinicians have also suspected for long that accumulation of small stresses from long standing conflicts can augment the development ofHypertension and even coronary atherosclerosis. Inspite of their side effects and habit forming nature there is a…
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