Tag: better

Enjoy true meditation free

Tips for Beginners

Meditation is not easy to master, but persevere and it may turn out to be the most rewarding thing you ever do. It takes practice to achieve a peaceful state of being, and there is no question that patience is a key component of our progress through meditation. Here we have gathered 12 great tips…
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10 things I learnt about Meditation

1. Meditation is not about doing:   It is easy to be in meditation, but it is extremely difficult to do meditation. Imagine how difficult it would have been if we had to do breathing. Like all natural processes, meditation is spontaneous and effortless.   

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

  Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is unique. Her words and personality radiate a love that is beyond the everyday. Her compassion is deep. There is no one like her. Shri Mataji teaches a meditation called Sahaja Yoga. It centres on the natural experience of Self Realization – a profound awakening of the spirit.