Tips for Beginners

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Tips for Beginners

Meditation is not easy to master, but persevere and it may turn out to be the most rewarding thing you ever do. It takes practice to achieve a peaceful state of being, and there is no question that patience is a key component of our progress through meditation. Here we have gathered 12 great tips that you may find them very useful for your daily meditations.

  1. Establish a regular practice.
    Realize the importance of your daily meditation and fully embrace it mentally and emotionally: “It is for my own benefit and this is both a treat & treatment for my heart, mind, body and soul. I better enjoy it and respect it.” Establish a regular practice and remain patient, as meditation grows stronger with repetition. Be flexible with your time but make sure that you have 15 minutes daily for “meeting with myself”. Think about this: how easily do we waste 15 minutes per day .. what about saving — and even more — investing, this time?!
  2. Begin your day with a short morning meditation.
    Beginning the day in a state of peace and silence makes the whole day go better. You will find it very easy to go into thoughtlessness and feel the vibrations if you get up early in the morning and meditate for 5 to 10 minutes. You will find most of your chakras will clear out in the morning meditation.
  3. Open up during the meditation; allow yourself to be an open system.
    Receive and give energy. Enable full communication through your entire being, palms wide open.
  4. Establish the quality of forgiveness within.
    If the thoughts still come to your attention say “I forgive, I forgive”. When you say this you help the Kundalini take the thoughts away for you. Remember! Forgiveness is the door to thoughtless awareness.
  5. Use candle and meditation music.
    To begin with, use aids, such as a candle or meditative music to help establish your attention.
  6. Meditation is about letting go.
    Meditation is not about concentrating, focusing, visualization or trying to stop your thoughts. It is about letting go and surrendering to the inner silence.
  7. Try to have regular footsoaks before your evening meditations.
    Try to have regular footsoaks before your evening meditations – before you go to sleep – you will feel the difference. This simple routine is one of the single most powerful methods you can use to help your meditation, and most people when they try it report amazing results in that they sleep better and awake more refreshed in every way.
  8. Speak with your Kundalini to get into a meditative mood.
    Meditation can also be a part of your daily life – any time you feel like during the day, you can go to a meditative mood – whether while you work in front of your computer, or drive your car…have an inner communication with your Kundalini to get into a meditative mood – and allow Her to take you to thoughtless awareness. Kundalini is the power that is triggered by the energy of our pure desire. It acts when we ask for evolution/balance/spiritual evolution. In meditation, talk with your own Kundalini, ask her to rise within and connect you to the universe.
  9. Leave all your worries to your Kundalini.
    During the meditation if any thought, worry coming to you, just surrender it to your Kundalini, leave it to her. Let her clear out the problems. You can say “Kundalini, I surrender to you. I leave all my worries to you.”
  10. Learn how to use your Sahasrara (lymbic area) as the 6th sense.
    Try to remember your Sahasrara during the whole day, check the vibrations above your head from time to time, and see that your attentions establishes beyond your mind, in the Sahasrara. Learn to precept anything you see or hear from your Sahasrara – does it react with steady cool breeze or gets warm? Learn how to use your lymbic area as the 6th sense.

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