Tag: thoughts

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Yoga – the fourth state of consciousness

Western science limits itself by considering cognitive functions such as thinking as the highest state of  consciousness. However, in eastern philosophy, as well as in western mysticism, the existence of even higher states of consciousness is common knowledge. This higher state of consciousness transcends thinking and other processes of the logical mind and has been…
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Tips for Beginners

Meditation is not easy to master, but persevere and it may turn out to be the most rewarding thing you ever do. It takes practice to achieve a peaceful state of being, and there is no question that patience is a key component of our progress through meditation. Here we have gathered 12 great tips…
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How to Meditate

Whenever it fits your schedule, you should meditate every day for at least 10 minutes. Some people find that beginning the day in a state of peace and silence makes the whole day go better. Some people find the best time is in the evening, where the soothing effects help take them into deep and…
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