Tag: spiritual

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Spiritual Secrets of Carbon Atom – a scientific discovery

Atomic theory, an ancient science has been described in Vedic texts from India which are many thousands of years old. The sages oversaw the development of the highly advanced Vedic civilisation through their mystic insights and deep meditation. They discovered the ancient symbols of spirituality: the aumkara and the swastika, and also discovered many of…
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Sahaja Yoga, The knowledge within

Many of us have wondered, at least once, what the role of mankind on this earth is, or whether God exists. If he does, how do I feel His presence? Or maybe some of us have wondered what real truth is. Also, if there is only one God who created all of us, then why…
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Music and Divinity – Indian Vocal music therapy; a unique experience

Music is a divine vehicle that can take us to a higher state. But not any music – music itself must be in tune with Spirit, in other words to emit divine vibrations. Indian classical music, which is based on the primal sound OM, emits such vibrations, and also many of the works written by…
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Say ‘No’ to Drugs, Turn to Sahaja Yoga for Help

The reason why many turn to substance abuse is that they are unable to deal with life’s problems. Or their expectations are unrealistic. Depression and anger, sadness and frustration are further fuelled by drugdependency, alcoholism or both. Daniel Goleman, in Emotional Intelligence says that it is the lack of application of intelligence to emotions that…
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Meditation and Enlightenment

In the sacrum bone at the base of the spine in every individual there exists a subtle and dormant coil of spiritual energy known as the Kundalini. This energy has been well documented through the ages, and has become a core part of many of the most authoratitive Yoga and spiritual practices. In AD1290, for…
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Indian Music for meditation

In our body organs are connected with the energy centers (Chakras) there are certain organs which themselves secret fluid with their special properties, which helps in the action and growth of the body, known as a glands. The secretion of glands is known as hormone on which physical- mental growth depends. These glands are known…
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Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

  Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is unique. Her words and personality radiate a love that is beyond the everyday. Her compassion is deep. There is no one like her. Shri Mataji teaches a meditation called Sahaja Yoga. It centres on the natural experience of Self Realization – a profound awakening of the spirit.