Sahaja Yoga, The knowledge within

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Sahaja Yoga, The knowledge within

Many of us have wondered, at least once, what the role of mankind on this earth is, or whether God exists. If he does, how do I feel His presence? Or maybe some of us have wondered what real truth is. Also, if there is only one God who created all of us, then why are people fighting between themselves for religion, money etc? The list of such questions never ends. Even though every religion and philosophy speaks of union with the Divine, not one of them is able to tell us how to achieve it.

Probably there is no answer available to these questions in any of those textbooks we studied at school. People are often too shy to even speak about these questions, so where is the answer? And where can we find a person who will provide us with these answers?
The answer is within you and is Self Realization.  This Self Realization called by many names: the second birth, enlightenment, liberation or moksha, and it is the goal of all the religions and spiritual traditions of the world. This knowledge is ancient, but for a long time it was available only to a few, being kept a secret and transmitted from guru to disciple, as at that time Self Realization was extremely difficult to achieve. In these modern times, through Sahaja (spontaneous) Yoga (union with one’s Self), this experience has become effortless and available to everyone, for the first time in the history of human spirituality. Sahaja Yoga is a unique meditation technique, which brings a breakthrough in the evolution of human awareness. It was created by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and has since spread all over the world.       

This Self Realization experience is our second birth, and frees us from the domination of our minds and our emotions. This transformation comes about when a subtle energy called Kundalini is awakened and rises within us to establish our Yoga, or Union, with the primordial energy.

To achieve this union there exists within every human being a complete spiritual mechanism known as the subtle system.  The key element of the subtle system is a primordial, motherly energy known as Kundalini, which rests in the sacrum bone in a dormant state. The knowledge of the existence of Kundalini is ancient and well documented in scripture, but the knowledge of how to awaken Her is sacred. Sahaja Yoga provides the path by which this energy may be effortlessly awakened so that our spiritual evolution can be attained.

Meditation is often defined as taking a moment to sit quietly or to ponder. However, achieving a true state of meditation goes beyond this; it is a state of profound, deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert.  This is just the beginning of an inner transformation that takes us to a higher level of awareness and enables us to fulfil our true human potential.

To learn more about meditation and our subtle system, attend one of our meditation sessions at a Sahaja Yoga centre near to you. Also, please visit for more details.