The Legend of Dagad Trikon – A Novel

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The Legend of Dagad Trikon – A Novel

“The Legend of Dagad Trikon is a fascinating story that touched me deeply, indeed, at times I had a sense of being in meditation in the middle of reading a chapter. At other times, I was profoundly moved, for I could feel inside what the characters in the history were going through. Grégoire de Kalbermatten has a unique and rare talent, the ability to put into words, feelings and aspects of life of extreme depth.”

Horacio Albertoli, Switzerland ( A reader’s review )

The Legend of Dagad Trikon is a mythical tale, a pageturning story of goodversus- evil, of the search for ten caskets containing prophecies hidden by the Avasthas, an enlightened race who vanished ten thousand years ago. This compelling narrative moves across continents, from Dagad Trikon, an ancient site deep within the Sahara desert, to the elephant rock in Delphi, to Washington D.C, and New York, to Mount Kailash in Nepal, and the Vatnajoekull glacier in Iceland, under which the first casket is unearthed – just as the volcano underneath has begun to erupt. Visit for more details.